My last post was about alphabert but i found this… it looks to have alphabert and chip color scheme… so it could have been released after alphabert and chip? So maybe 2001 at the latest? Maybe even early 2002…
Either way… ive seen learning robot before but never this version if i remember… colors are weird…
Roby le futé
Futé in french means smart… so its (litteraly) roby the smart… i presume people who speak french dont refer to people as “Andy The smart”, its probably just a janky translation… vtech has weird names for french items… i still like them though and while i dont collect anymore i definitely will get any alphabert variants i see… especially this…
This appears to resemble alphabert a lot more than reading robot… so this could have came before it and they just ended up using this color scheme for alphabert and chip… not sure…